Portfolio - SkinHouse.lt


Engineered customer-facing front-end using React and MobX, gaining 95% Google PageSpeed rank as a final result.

Established a middleman service for Steam platform items with over 50,000 users with +100 daily transactions.

Streamlined user monitoring and management by developing a proprietary CMS using React (front-end), Node.js (back-end).

Designed architecture and wrote back-end using Node.js, resulting in quick 0.10 seconds request response time.

Completely automated all trades of the goods with bots achieving. The item exchange requests reached users in ~0.5 seconds.

Implemented a convenient and diverse selection of payment gateways integrations for users: BitPay (Bitcoins), PaySera, Stripe, PayPal.

Worked on front-end internationalisation to translate website to EN, LT languages.